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Jersey how to annotate java.sql.Timestamp object

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Shared class for child element in JAXB in different xmls/roots

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WSDL with duplicate names -- how to force Java Class names

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JAXB does not call Setter method

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Is this a valid date format - 2007-12-13+01:00?

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How to use jaxb plugin extensions with gradle-jaxb-plugin

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What is the use of @JsonIgnore and @Xmltransient?

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Eclipse: what's missing to generate JAXB XML bindings?

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remove leading/trailing white spaces in JAXB?

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Can JAXB output an ArrayList as comma separated values?

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Removing elements from an XML document, XSLT and JAXB

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How do I create JAXB bindings for docbook

java jaxb docbook

Representing byte array as an XSD schema

xsd jaxb

JAXB doesn't generate all element classes

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Error: Failed to parse a schema by xjc in case of xs:choice

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Annotation @XmlElement write only?

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Reading XML files in Java

java xml jaxb

Unmarshalling with multiple namespaces

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Unmarshalling multiple XML elements of the same name into a list using JAXB

java xml jaxb

Is there a way to specify that JAXB should only print an attribute if it doesn't have a specific value?

java xml jaxb