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New posts in marshalling

c++ Managed to unmanaged conversions

marshaling variable arguments - __arglist or alternative

Return SAFEARRAY from c++ to c#

c# c++ marshalling

How to call C# delegate to pass array of strings from native C simplest way?

Opposite behavior of Marshal.SizeOf and sizeof operator for boolean and char data types in C#

c# marshalling sizeof

ValueError: bad marshal data (unknown type code)

Marshalling structs from WM_COPYDATA messages

Marshal struct with array member in C#

c# arrays struct marshalling

Passing StringBuilder to PInvoke function

c# string marshalling

Can JAXB output an ArrayList as comma separated values?

java xml jaxb marshalling

Ruby on Rails TypeError

Golang marshal dynamic xml element name

Getting x_test, y_test from generator in Keras?

How to suppress compiler warnings from the use of COM references in a .NET project

c# interop marshalling

Marshaling byval C-structure as return value in C#

PInvoke and char**

c# .net pinvoke char marshalling

Serializing C++ objects

How to write to file when using Marshal::dump in Ruby for object serialization

Marshaling COM objects between Python processes using pythoncom

Returning a string from an unmanaged c++ dll to c# [duplicate]

c# c++ com marshalling