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Date filter in Microsoft Dynamics NAV webservice

Change WSDL xsd:complexType name with Apache CXF

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Java InaccessibleWSDLException while accessing WSDL through client stubs

Using ContractNamespace for namespacing enums in WCF

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WSDL with duplicate names -- how to force Java Class names

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WSDL Web Service returns empty array from C#

How do I create a Web Service in Visual Studio.NET using a WSDL file?

Custom WSDL for an ASMX Web Service

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Suds: Type not found on response

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Why am I getting "Exception: (404, u'Not Found')" with Suds

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Web service that handle BLOB data

When generated an Apache CXF client, why is the WSDL still needed when instantiating the client?

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Why classes generated by wsimport requires JAXBElement<ClassName> parameters?

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Apache CXF wsdl download via SSL/TLS

Multiple elements of same name in PHP SOAP Call

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Python - Create/Read/Update/Delete records in NetSuite

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WSDL best practices

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WCF WSDL Soap Header on all operations

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How to implement WSDL provided by business partner?

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WCF Webservice behind public reverse proxy

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