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How to implement WSDL provided by business partner?

I have been provided to a wsdl file by another business to build webservice so that the other business can connect to service I build using the provided wsdl and xsd files. I am dot net developer using wcf. I want to know where to start having the wsdl and xsd files in hand.


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jama64 Avatar asked Jan 23 '23 02:01


1 Answers

Hopefully, the schemas and WSDL are .NET friendly. If you want to use WCF, you can generate your classes using SvcUtil.exe.

svcutil -noconfig -serializer:datacontractserializer -d:../
 -namespace:*,MyCompany.Services.ServiceName wsdl.wsdl Messages.xsd Data.xsd

The bad news is that svcutil actually generates the client side proxy so you have to manually go and remove the client and channel classes.

For a full description of this approach see Schema-based Development with Windows Communication Foundation.

In the article, they also talk about a Visual Studio add-in, WSCF.blue, that allows you to do Data contract generation (among other contract first development tasks).

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Randy supports Monica Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 20:01

Randy supports Monica