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New posts in jaxb2-maven-plugin

IntelliJ bindingDirectory for jaxb-maven-plugin

Packages are getting deleted while Generating Jaxb classes Using Maven and generated maven package name is incorrect

maven-jaxb2-plugin fails with JAXB version attribute must be present

jaxb2-maven-plugin generating package-info.java with xmlns prefixes

remove xmlns attribute from the root element while marshalling jaxb

maven-jaxb2-plugin VS jaxb2-maven-plugin for multiple schemas

org.codehaus.mojo : jaxb2-maven-plugin : 1.6 --> API incompatibility was encountered

JAXB fails to generate Java classes for XBRL

Append CDATA using org.springframework.oxm jaxb2marshaller

How to run XJC with Java 11 and maven?

XJC Maven Plugin(jaxb2-maven-plugin) Java 11 Migration Issues

Is there a JAXB Plugin which generates Builders?

How to generate java classes into source folder using jaxb2-maven-plugin?