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New posts in xml-namespaces

php soap envelope namespace <soap:Envelope and <SOAP-ENV:Envelope

php soap xml-namespaces

How to access attribute value in xml containing namespace using ElementTree in python

Java DOM XML is skipping xmlns properties

java xml dom xml-namespaces

XML not picking up <camelContext> tag

Tags from http://xmlns.jcp.org namespace do not render, while http://java.sun.com/jsf work fine

jsf facelets xml-namespaces

Blank xmlns="" Attributes From Import

xml xslt xml-namespaces

SimpleXML has declaration of xmlns:xmlns="" - no way to remove

f:viewParam doesn't pass required parameter when new xmlns.jcp.org namespace is used

How to prevent Vue error "Unknown custom element" for namespaced HTML elements

Making lxml.objectify ignore xml namespaces?

python xml lxml xml-namespaces

Selecting namespaced XML node attributes with namespace alias instead of URI on an XElement

c# .net xml xpath xml-namespaces

Add an attribute to the <HTML> element in asp.net?

c# asp.net html xml-namespaces

Unable to add Attribute with Namespace Prefix using PHP Simplexml

Create xmlns attribute in the XML using XSLT Transformation

java xml xslt xml-namespaces

Remove namespace declaration from XSLT stylesheet with XSLT

Dealing with namespaces while parsing XML in Go

xml go xml-namespaces

XInclude Schema/Namespace Validation?

Setting Namespace Attributes on an Element

Unqualified XSD global attribute references

xml xsd xml-namespaces

Configuration Issue: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace [http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx]