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New posts in xpath

How to get attribute values if they are not equal to some values?

xml xpath xslt-1.0

Filtering XML query by attribute value

sql xml tsql xpath xquery

XPath selection of nodes that don't have a specific optional attribute

xml xpath

XPath variables in XML::Twig or Other

How to find unique selectors for elements on pages with ExtJS for use with Selenium?

One Xpath expression doesn't work in selenium, but works in Firefox

xpath: skip child node with an given id


Why // is needed instead of /

xpath scrapy

XSLT: How to get position index of particular nodes in all the childs combined

xml xslt xpath

Using concat() with a separator in XSLT 1.0

xml xslt xpath xslt-1.0

What is the function of the count() in this xpath?

xml xslt xpath

MySQL xpath concatenation operator, how to add space?

mysql xpath

XPath expression using "and" doesn't work in Microsoft Edge?

xml xpath microsoft-edge

XPath select everything until first <br />

xml xpath

how to convert objects into nodes

How to use AND operator in XPath?

php xml xpath

Selenium - how to find elements by attribute with any value in Java?

java selenium xpath webdriver

How to use Perl's XML::XPath with non-English element names?

xml perl xpath utf-8

Is there a way to add script to add new functions in evaluate() context of chrome+puppeeter?

How to click on a button within a pop-up window with python selenium?