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New posts in rss

"unacceptable content-type: application/rss+xml" when using AFNetworking 2.0

ios rss afnetworking-2

How to parse <rss> tag with XML::LibXML to find xmlns defintions

perl rss

Which is better for encoding HTML for RSS?

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Bugzilla: How to get an rss feed for bug comments?

rss bugzilla

What is the “link” element in ATOM-feeds?

rss feed atom-feed

Get Full-Text Feed with Delphi

Syndication RSS Reader fails because of invalid XML?

c# .net xml rss syndication

How to solve "Chunked body did not terminate properly with 0-sized chunk."?

asp.net iis rss

Can we import posts directly into Wordpress database?

php xml wordpress import rss

Jsoup selector on RSS <link> tag returns empty string with .text() method

java rss jsoup

What are the legalities of repackaging other's RSS feeds into a new presentation? [closed]


feedparser and Google News

Creating dynamic RSS feed page in ASP.NET (C#) - do I need to do anything extra?

c# asp.net xml iis rss

How can I include Wordpress posts in a custom PHP file?

php wordpress rss blogs

How to create an atom feed in Rails 3?

ruby-on-rails rss atom-feed

SimpleXML has declaration of xmlns:xmlns="" - no way to remove

Automatically generate RSS feeds

php rss feed

How can I read RSS in VIM?

vim rss

Only one row of ListView populated in QML app, any idea why?

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RSS Feed parser library in Java [closed]

java parsing rss feed