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New posts in moxy

A recommended JAX-WS framework for working with Moxy

java jaxb jax-ws cxf moxy

How to return a JSON object from a HashMap with Moxy and Jersey

java json jersey jersey-2.0 moxy

Jax-WS - To Remove Empty Tags from Request XML

XmlAdapter and XmlIDREF in moxy jaxb

java xml jaxb adapter moxy

Jpa entities over a JAX WS services without infinite loop

Is there a possibility to hide the "@type" entry when marshalling subclasses to JSON using EclipseLink MOXy (JAXB)?

JAXB wrap wrapped collections

@XmlDiscriminatorNode/@XmlDescriminatorValue not working on WebLogic Server

Moxy: List of objects XML and JSON can't get both look good

xml json inheritance jaxb moxy

Customizing JSON marhsalling with GlassFish v4

Is it possible to map a JSON object to a string with Moxy?

java jaxb jersey moxy

Not able to configure Moxy using JAXB

java xml maven jaxb moxy

How to replace jackson for moxy on payara 5

Moxy, JSON and Jersey 2.0 does not deserialize plain String array

json jersey moxy

JAXB Marshals root element without a close tag if it only has an attribute

java xml jaxb moxy

JAXB: Qualified attributes disables default namespace xmlns=""?

jaxb jaxb2 moxy

Can I get MOXy to convert a string to a boolean when generating json

java json jaxb eclipselink moxy