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Is "00" a legal month and/or day value for XML Schema date datatype?

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Change bibliographystyle in R Markdown

Can I remove the labels from the bibliography, while keeping them in citations?

latex bibliography

Unable to load Biobliography using {biblatex} package and \printbibliography

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Zotero: which export format should I use?

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Exporting all yaml bibliographic in a pdf file using pandoc

Is there a recommendable book about the foundations of artificial intelligence for non-mathematicians? [closed]

With knitr and .Rnw for LaTeX, how do you print the full bibliography in PDF output?

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Complete bibliography with markdown for scientific papers

r markdown knitr bibliography

Pandoc citations without appending the references bibliography

Error when using biblatex with ACM-reference-format

BibTeX You can't pop an empty literal stack

Create own BibTeX style or customize existing one?

How do I provide only the year in a citation in R markdown?

IEEE bibliography style for BibLaTeX (not BibTeX)? [closed]

Gitbook chapter bibliography not in alphabetical order

Convert a document's works cited to bibtex or endnote formats [closed]

bibtex bibliography

Using LaTeX, how can I have a list of references at the end of each section? [closed]

latex bibtex bibliography

LaTeX: Cite, but don't reference

latex bibtex bibliography

Including Bibliography in RMarkdown document with use of the knitcitations