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How to indicate "accessed" attribute in Bibtex file when citing urls with IEEE?

url latex bibtex citations ieee

How can I cite something as "e.g. Author, 200X" with natbib in LaTeX?

latex citations

Retrieve citations of a journal paper using R

getting a papers references using Elsevier Scopus API

Seeking citation parser

java parsing text citations

R citation which year to cite?

r citations

Cite/Reference OpenMP in a Paper [closed]

c++ openmp citations

Citing multiple publications by same author in same year in RMarkdown

r r-markdown citations

Use advanced cite commands (e.g., citetitle, citeauthor, footcite from biblatex/natbib) in R markdown file compiled as both PDF & HTML

Use custom citation style in markdown using YAML header

Pandoc citations without appending the references bibliography

How to export an R citation output into endnote?

r citations

citeseerx search api

How to change citation style in biblatex in R Markdown?

Rmarkdown removes citation hyperlink

r latex r-markdown citations

Approximate Number of CPU Cycles for Various Operations

Putting citation text on same slide with LaTeX Beamer

How to cite a blog post using HTML microdata and schema.org?