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Create Shiny Presentation from Shiny App?

r shiny r-markdown

How to make RMarkdown (.Rmd) table captions go at the top

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object pdflatex not found on Windows 7

rChart in R Markdown doesn't render

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How to add a latex package to R Journal template from rticle package in R

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Creating dynamic plots in R-markdown with shiny

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Change RStudio Default R Notebook to blank

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RShiny Download Button Within RMarkdown

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R Markdown change backround color of sections in CSS

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Display a data.frame with mathematical notation in table header R Markdown html output

How can I scale the label size of ggplot2 plots in rmarkdown

r ggplot2 knitr r-markdown

`bookdown`/`rmarkdown`/`knitr`: Child documents and path definition in `YAML` headers

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R Plot_ly list Plots Multiple Plots in .Rmd R-Studio Run Mode, but not when Knitted

Rmd to PDF compiling error: Package geometry \paperwidth (0.0pt) too short

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Export mermaid chart from DiagrammeR

Default knit directory via YAML header in RStudio?

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2 Knitr/R Markdown/Rstudio issues: Highcharts and Morris.js

RMarkdown with knitr to HTML: How to hide bullets in TOC (table of contents)?

Automatically generated reports using rMarkdown

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How to generate a GitHub flavoured markdown file using knitr?