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style links in a custom block in bookdown

css r knitr bookdown

`bookdown`/`rmarkdown`/`knitr`: Child documents and path definition in `YAML` headers

r yaml knitr r-markdown bookdown

Sharing Bookdown book without publicizing

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bookdown converting chapters to sections

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Manual numbering in bookdown

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RMarkdown numbering multiple figures/tables in one chunk

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Rendering Appendix Figure Numbers in Bookdown

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citation-package: biblatex not working in R bookdown

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Insert non-breaking space in [R]Markdown math expression for HTML output

Bookdown: TOC with html_document2

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Can't use PLOS rticles template with bookdown

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Set R bookdown input directory

r bookdown

Coverpage and copyright notice before title in R bookdown?

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Setting paper size for PDF output in bookdown with tufte-book

r bookdown

Auto-Numbering of Figure and Table Captions for HTML Output in R Markdown

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Changing the font size of figure captions in RMarkdown pdf output

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Horizontal rule in R Markdown / Bookdown causing errors

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