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Add an image to Rmarkdown Bookdown output before top level heading

r-markdown bookdown

How do I use the ebook functions epub_book and kindlegen() for existing bookdown documents?

r r-markdown bookdown

R: Removing the "Chapter" part from the title in bookdown::pdf_book with documentclass: report

r knitr r-markdown bookdown

Cross-referencing in rticles

r knitr r-markdown bookdown

knitr::include_graphics in bookdown, is not rendering the image

r knitr r-markdown bookdown

Bookdown: Removing social media links?

How can I remove blank pages from rbookdown pdfs?

latex knitr bookdown

Rmarkdown add footnote to figure caption

RMarkdown: bookdown with plotly

print the data.table package's .onAttach messages with knitr

Conditionally include chapters in Bookdown

r r-markdown bookdown

Show all used references when using compact numeric citation style

R Bookdown - Customize width of TOC/Sidebar

css r bookdown gitbook

bookdown: customize the output filename

Citations in DT:datatable

r r-markdown dt bookdown

Bookdown: Single html output file

html r r-markdown bookdown

More flexible citation formats

How do I put Bookdown chapters in a subdirectory?

r bookdown

Bookdown not building - replacement length zero

r bookdown