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set width of embedded url

r r-markdown knitr bookdown

How to change to another bibliography style in Bookdown

r markdown bookdown

Custom CSS to Change Bookdown Page Width

css r-markdown bookdown

Add a MS Word Comment via Rmarkdown

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R bookdown - custom title page

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Create index of definitions / theorems at end of bookdown book

r markdown knitr bookdown

Stata syntax highlighting in Rmarkdown

How can I reset sidenote numbering at each chapter in tufte-style Bookdown with HTML output?

css r-markdown bookdown tufte

Bookdown: How can I change the size of the chapter titles?

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How can I insert an image from internet to the pdf file produced by R bookdown in a smart way?

r pdf latex knitr bookdown

Include TikZ code in bookdown figure environment

Chunk option class.output is not working on Error Message

Error: Input files not all in same directory, please supply explicit wd

r r-markdown bookdown

Is there a way to use latex expression of chemarr for `gitbook` format of bookdown package?

r latex mathjax bookdown gitbook

How can I set twoside, symmetric layout for bookdown::tufte_book2()

Caption above figure in html Rmarkdown

r r-markdown bookdown

How to use inline R code in a bookdown theorem or example environment

restart endnote numbering after each GitBook-style web chapter in R Bookdown

r-markdown bookdown

Table Cross-References in Bookdown with MS-Word Output?

Using short author citations in bookdown/rmarkdown