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knitr pandoc: "cannot produce pdf output with pdf writer"

r pdf markdown knitr pandoc

How to make RMarkdown (.Rmd) table captions go at the top

r pandoc r-markdown

Pandoc: multiple footnotes next to one another?

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Is it possible to convert a markdown file with html into pdf?

Use a specific class depending on bullet with Markdown/Pandoc

markdown pandoc

How to generate a GitHub flavoured markdown file using knitr?

R Markdown – a concise way to print all code snippets used in the document

r markdown pandoc

enable shell escape with pandoc

latex graphviz pandoc

Can I specify multiple bibliography (BibTeX) files in Pandoc Metadata?

Pandoc Markdown to Docx with Cover Page and TOC in separated pages

markdown docx pandoc

Pandoc's environment cslreferences undefined when knitting RMarkdown to PDF in RStudio

r latex r-markdown knitr pandoc

How to write (bullet) lists in a table using rmarkdown and pandoc

r r-markdown pandoc pander

Conditional sections in Pandoc markdown


How to control tables in pandoc generated latex?

latex markdown pandoc

Using pandoc as a library to make a PDF

haskell pandoc

R Markdown - change default pdf table caption prefix

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How to remove compact title from R markdown to latex conversion?

r latex r-markdown pandoc

Pandoc: no line wrapping when converting to HTML

word-wrap pandoc

Convert html to docx using pandoc


How to change colors and attributes of Table of Contents in R Markdown HTML document?

html css r r-markdown pandoc