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New posts in word-wrap

JEditorPane linewrap in Java7

Hide/change Emacs fringe bent arrows due to word wrapping?

emacs word-wrap emacs24 fringe

Wrap multiline string (preserving existing linebreaks) in Python?

python string word-wrap

How do I stop the C# compiler output from wrapping in the Visual Studio 2015 output window?

Wrap long-text in drop-down list?

How do I wrap a very long line of text in a GWT label?

gwt label word-wrap

Is there a way to disable line wrap in a List View in android?

Label word wrap in Textblock not working

wpf word-wrap

vim line operations (e.g., dd) on wrapped text

vim word-wrap

ObjectListView doesn't word-wrap

Split string each Nth character and join it back with different separators

Word Wrap in PyGTK TreeView

python pygtk word-wrap

How to make text wrap in a WPF TreeViewItem?

wpf word-wrap treeviewitem

TextBox Word-Wrapping splitting string to lines

c# string textbox word-wrap

Why do textareas break long words (and why don't divs break long words) when it exceeds the width?

html css overflow word-wrap

How do I implement word wrap?

How can I make the text of checkbox wraps automatically with changing form width? [closed]

c# winforms checkbox word-wrap

WPF DataGrid: How do I set columns to TextWrap?

wpf datagrid word-wrap

word wraped tex on Android canvas

android text canvas word-wrap

How do I remove newline symbols inside emacs vertical border

emacs word-wrap long-lines