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How to disable case-sensitivity for filename auto-completion in Emacs 24 shell-mode?

deft mode terribly slow

emacs emacs24

Hide/change Emacs fringe bent arrows due to word wrapping?

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How do I disable electric indent on RET but still keep other electric characters (e.g., ‘{’)?

Emacs - require-final-newline local value overrides global value

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macro expansion: to quote the body forms or not?

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Displaying images in popup menus in Emacs

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How to auto say Yes when run a command in Emacs?

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Emacs desktop-save-mode error

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Lexical eval in emacs24

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How can a .emacs file be made idempotent?

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Emacs: the code in the body of a defun or defmacro cannot refer to surrounding lexical variables?

next-buffer skipping buffers when window is split in emacs

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Emacs' org-mode: how to automatically "process to PDF" on save?

Emacs: Have a completely different background-color in ansi-term

Can I use environmental variables in find-file?

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Use ELPA (Emacs) behind a proxy requiring authentication

How to change granularity level of undo in emacs evil-mode with undo-tree?

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