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style links in a custom block in bookdown

I'm trying to style links in a custom block in bookdown. The custom block type is called "rmdcomment", and I've added the following to the style.css file:

.rmdcomment {
  padding: 1em 1em 1em 4em;
  margin-top: 30px;
  margin-bottom: 30px;
  background: #1f9ac9;
  color: white;

.rmdcomment:before {
  content: "\f075";
  font-family: FontAwesome;
  font-size: 45px;
  color: white;

The above appears correctly.

I've also added the following in an (unsuccessful) attempt to style the links:

.rmdcomment a:link {text-decoration: underline; font-weight:bold; color:white;}
.rmdcomment a:visited {text-decoration: underline; font-weight:bold; color:white;}
.rmdcomment a:hover {text-decoration: underline; font-weight:bold; color:white;}
like image 702
Eric Green Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 05:03

Eric Green

1 Answers

I believe this is the section you talking about.

enter image description here

Add !important, so basically you overwrite the previous styles.

.rmdcomment a:link {text-decoration: underline !important; font-weight:bold !important; color:white !important;}

like image 194
Deepak Bandi Avatar answered Mar 13 '23 12:03

Deepak Bandi