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`bookdown`/`rmarkdown`/`knitr`: Child documents and path definition in `YAML` headers

I'm building a reporting infrastructure that makes extensive use of child documents (via {r, child = 'somedir/child_doc.Rmd'}) AND is parametrized through the params dictionary in the YAML header of the master document. An example might be:

title: Project Report
date: '`r format(Sys.time(), "%d %B, %Y")`'
    template: ~
    toc: yes
    toc_depth: 2
colorlinks: yes
fontsize: 11pt
documentclass: scrartcl
geometry: margin=1in, a4paper
        data_dir: 'data'

Using this structure, accessing data_dir becomes problematic as the working directory differs for the master and child documents and thus relative path definitions also diverge. Ways out are:

  1. Usage of absolute/expanded path names in defining data_dir. Gets long/unwieldy quickly.

  2. Postprocessing of the params object to expand the path within the master document. As params is immutable when accessed from within R chunks, this can only be solved in an inelegant manner:

    ```{r params-processing, include = FALSE}
    local_params <- params
    local_params$submodule$intro$data_dir <- path.expand(local_params$submodule$intro$data_dir)

    Followed by internal usage of local_params instead of params.

  3. In-place expansion of the path using something like !R path.expand('data') when defining the parameter in the YAML header. While this (or the `-based equivalent) works for the data field in the example, knitring fails in the path case as the R expression is not expanded but used as a character-representation - and literal "path.expand('data')" obviously doesn't exist as a path.

I'd appreciate any hints on how to solve this prettily - especially whether 3. can be made work ...

like image 745
balin Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 10:03


1 Answers

The source code of r-yaml (which is implicitly called by bookdown::render_book) shows you can solve option 3 fairly easily by parsing the relative path with the expr tag:

        data_dir: !expr normalizePath('data')

This evaluates the R expression in the YAML and doesn't require any further processing.

data_dir: !r normalizePath('data') is also acceptable syntax which is processed by knitr. Unfortunately just neither of !R or `r, the two you tried, are interpreted.

I also suggest using normalizePath instead as it returns an absolute path given any relative directory. Your example of using path.expand only performs tilde expansion so has no effect on a local relative path such as 'data'. normalizePath actually calls path.expand as a first step.

Simply access the fully expanded path as usual

```{r params-processing}
## $value
## [1] "/Users/user_name/full_path_to_book/my_book/data"
## $expr
## [1] "normalizePath('data')"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "knit_param_expr"

Note, it might be best to use !r seeing as the r-yaml behaviour may change as it currently throws a warning:

Warning message:
In yaml.load(readLines(con), error.label = error.label, ...) :
  R expressions in yaml.load will not be auto-evaluated by default in the near future
like image 193
ruaridhw Avatar answered Mar 10 '23 15:03
