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R Plot_ly list Plots Multiple Plots in .Rmd R-Studio Run Mode, but not when Knitted

I am trying plot multiple plots from a list of data.frames. I am using Markdown to render the data. Within R-Studio, when I click the ">" run button, I get all the plots.

The code I am trying to use is:

### Plot each list
```{r plotSWBS6IByPhaseAndWave, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}
plotList <- list()

for(i in 1:length(seriesFigureSaleDataBS6I_PhaseWave)) {
  plotList[[i]] <- plot_ly(data = seriesFigureSaleDataBS6I_PhaseWave[[i]],
                 x = ~priceDate,
                 y = ~amount,
                 color = ~actionFigurePackageName,
                 colors = "Pastel2",
                 type = "scatter",
                 mode = "markers") %>%
                 layout(title = paste("Phase", seriesFigureSaleDataBS6I_PhaseWave[[i]]$Phase, "& Wave", seriesFigureSaleDataBS6I_PhaseWave[[i]]$Wave))
# p <- lapply(seriesFigureSaleDataBS6I_PhaseWave, function(phaseWaveRow) plot_ly(data = phaseWaveRow, x = ~priceDate, y = ~amount, color = ~actionFigureUniqueId, colors = "Pastel2"))




The list looks like:

                                            Length Class      Mode
40th.1                                      35     data.frame list
40th.2                                      35     data.frame list
40th.Legacy                                 35     data.frame list
Blue.5                                      35     data.frame list
Blue.6                                      35     data.frame list
Blue.7                                      35     data.frame list
Blue.8                                      35     data.frame list

Some data from the list

The output in the run mode looks like:

Run output

The knit output just gives me the R Console output:

## [[1]]
## [[2]]
## [[3]]
## [[4]]
## [[5]]

If I try the following code, I lose the R Console output (which is good) and get the plots in R-Studio "run" mode, but get no plot output in the knit mode:

for(i in 1:length(seriesFigureSaleDataBS6I_PhaseWave)) {
  print(plot_ly(data = seriesFigureSaleDataBS6I_PhaseWave[[i]],
                 x = ~priceDate,
                 y = ~amount,
                 color = ~actionFigurePackageName,
                 colors = "Pastel2",
                 type = "scatter",
                 mode = "markers") %>%
                 layout(title = paste("Phase", seriesFigureSaleDataBS6I_PhaseWave[[i]]$Phase, "& Wave", seriesFigureSaleDataBS6I_PhaseWave[[i]]$Wave)))
like image 473
Jacksonsox Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 11:03


1 Answers

Use the htmltools::tagList function:

title: "Knit a List of Plotly Graphs"
output: html_document

```{r, include = F}

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE}

dat <- list(mtcars, mtcars)
plots <- lapply(dat, function(x) {
  plot_ly(data = x, x = ~hp, y = ~mpg) %>% 
    add_trace(type = "scatter", mode = "markers")

enter image description here

like image 148
Martin Schmelzer Avatar answered Apr 07 '23 06:04

Martin Schmelzer