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dplyr::recode in conjunction with stringr::str_detect()

I am trying to recode a character variable with dplyr::recode() and stringr::str_detect(). I realize that this can be done with dplyr::case_when(), as documented here: https://community.rstudio.com/t/recoding-using-str-detect/5141, but I am convinced that there has to be a way of doing it via recode().

Consider this case:

rm(list = ls())

data <- tribble(
  ~id, ~time,
  1, "a",
  2, "b",
  3, "x"

I would like to replace the "x" in the dataframe with a "c" via str_detect() and here's how I'd do it:

data %>% 
 mutate(time = recode(data$time, str_detect(data$time, "x") = "c"))

But that doesn't work:

Error: unexpected '=' in: "data %>% mutate(time = recode(data$time, str_detect(data$time, "x") ="

Apparently R doesn't know what to do with the last =, but I believe it has to be there for the recode function, as demonstrated here:

recode(data$time, "x" = "c")

This executes properly, as does this:

str_detect(data$time, "x")

But this does not:

recode(data$time, str_detect(data$time, "x") = "c")

Is there a way of getting these two functions to work with each other?

like image 448
tc_data Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 12:03


1 Answers

If you want as simple as possible for this, I'd use gsub

data %>% 
  mutate(time = gsub("x", "c", time))

That eliminates the use of recode and str_detect

If you're dead set on using stringr, then you should use str_replace rather than str_detect:

data %>% 
  mutate(time = str_replace(time, "x", "c"))

If you want to replace the entire value if it contains an 'x', then just add some regex:

data %>% 
  mutate(time = str_replace(time, ".*x.*", "c"))

Breakdown of the regex: .* represents any character (except \n) matching at least 0 times. We put .* both in front and behind the x, so that way if there are any leading or trailing characters from the 'x', they are still captured.

like image 121
Dave Gruenewald Avatar answered Mar 18 '23 10:03

Dave Gruenewald