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New posts in stringr

dplyr::recode in conjunction with stringr::str_detect()

r dplyr tidyverse stringr

Regex: matching multiple patterns and getting middle of string

r regex stringr

R - Find all vector elements that contain all strings / patterns - str_detect grep

r stringr grepl and-operator

Moving data from right to left column in a tibble

r dplyr stringr

Count the maximum of consecutive letters in a string

How to pass multiple necessary patterns to str_subset?

r regex stringr

Search string in variable and return the matched string

r regex string stringr

Inverting a regex in R

r regex stringr

How to split a string from right-to-left, like Python's rsplit()?

r split stringr stringi

str_replace_all by position, applied over a vector

r tidyverse stringr purrr

Regular Expression in Base R Regex to identify email address

regex r stringr

Search for string across entire row of a tibble?

r dplyr purrr stringr tibble

How can I split the following string using R?

r regex string stringr stringi

How to split data frame with multiple delimiter using str_split_fixed?

r stringr

Which regex removes punctuation from quotation marks in text

r regex stringr

Using separate from tidyr with different length vectors

r dplyr stringr tidyr

Subsetting string column in datatable using positions from another column

r data.table stringr

Split string to columns based on paragraph ending from ocr'd image

Regex with Chinese characters

r regex stringr

How can I extract and remove a string? So I can have similar expressions match 1 time instead of multiple times

r string stringr