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New posts in tidyr

Loop through each column and row, do stuff

r dplyr tidyr

Pasting together subsetted columns

r dataframe subset tidyr

r using dplyr 'gather' function

r dplyr tidyr

Excluding multiple columns based on unquote-splicing (!!!)

r tidyr tidyeval tidyselect

How to unnest multiple list columns of a dataframe in one go with dplyr pipe

r dplyr tidyr

How to combine columns within one data.frame that contain NA's in order to remove NA's

r dataframe tidyr

Having trouble with spread/pivot wider from long with varying data types [duplicate]

r dataframe tidyr

why isn't tidyr `complete()` completing in R?

r tidyr

Fill / complete / expand columnwise

r dplyr tidyr

tidyr wide to long: repeated measures and efficiency

r data.table tidyr

Preserving many columns when using gather

r tidyr

check whether steps in a counter variable are missing

r dplyr tidyr

tidyr::spread() with multiple keys and values

r dataframe reshape tidyr

Accessing grouping variables in purrr::map() with nested dataframes

r dplyr tidyr purrr

Overwrite left_join dplyr to update data

r dplyr tidyr

How to spread a single column into wide format with 0 and 1 as values defined conditionally?

How to turn multiple columns into observations [duplicate]

Separate a column in dataframe where each observation can have multiple concurrent values

r dplyr tidyr

Combining columns, while ignoring duplicates and NAs

r dataframe dplyr tidyr

Combining multiple rows into one row with multiple columns of data R

r tidyr reshape2