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New posts in reshape2

dcast renaming all variables to start with a number

r data.table reshape2

Pivot rows into columns with values of counts for each measurement R

r data.table dplyr plyr reshape2

Melt & dcast w/ string concatenation

r reshape reshape2 melt

capture column pattern frequency

How to turn multiple columns into observations [duplicate]

Combining multiple rows into one row with multiple columns of data R

r tidyr reshape2

How to use a character vector of column names in the formula argument of dcast (reshape2)

r reshape2

In R: dcast in function, pass column names (again!)

Reformat data from long to wide

r reshape2 tidyr

Format html-output from R table like excel pivot w/ option "Do not repeat item labels"

r knitr reshape2 xtable gmisc

High-performance big data manipulation in R

Chi-square statistic across multiple columns of a dataframe using dplyr or reshape2

r dplyr reshape2 broom

R generating a sparse matrix

Reversing a melting operation with reshape2 [duplicate]

r reshape2

casting error - Error in .subset2(x, i, exact = exact)

r reshape2

Reshape multiple values at once

R reshape a vector into multiple columns

r vector matrix reshape reshape2

how to pivot/unpivot (cast/melt) data frame? [duplicate]

r pivot-table reshape reshape2

dcast warning: ‘Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length’

r data.table reshape reshape2