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New posts in plyr

Use unique rows from data.frame to subset another data.frame

r dataframe unique subset plyr

pass function to ddply wrapped inside a function as part of that functions call

r plyr

Aggregating duplicate rows by taking sum

r data.table plyr

Using dplyr for exploratory plots

r plyr dplyr

R: Reorder columns from dcast output numerically instead of lexicographically

r plyr

Use lapply on a subset of list elements and return list of same length as original in R

regex r plyr lapply

Summarize Table based on a Threshold

r dplyr plyr

Pivot rows into columns with values of counts for each measurement R

r data.table dplyr plyr reshape2

Reshape cast compare to one level

r plyr reshape

How to reduce a data frame keeping the order for other columns

r dataframe plyr data.table

Bind residuals to input dataset with missing values [duplicate]

r dataframe plyr regression

Exclude duplicate values in certain columns using ddply

r duplicates plyr

R summary function in ddply (plyr) in a simple way

r plyr

R: How to make transformations on subset of a subset fast (optimize or alternative to `ddply`)?

r data.table subset plyr

Is it possible to reuse generated columns in ddply?

r plyr

How to combine a list of unequal lm object length into a data frame?

grouping on string fields in R

r grouping data.table plyr

Population pyramid plot with ggplot2 and dplyr (instead of plyr)

r plot ggplot2 dplyr plyr

R question about sapply /plyr syntax: how to pass variable values to a function

function r plyr

ddply -> dplyr: .fun = summarize with several rows

r plyr dplyr