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New posts in lapply

Use lapply on a subset of list elements and return list of same length as original in R

regex r plyr lapply

Convert a key value data frame to a list

r list dataframe lapply

Using lapply and the ifelse function in R

extracting data from nested list in R

Convert for loop to apply

r apply lapply

regression by group

r data.table lapply

Replace rbind in for-loop with lapply? (2nd circle of hell)

Update values in specified columns based on external data table

r data.table lapply

get the lengths of element of lists of list in R

r list lapply sapply

turning lists of lists of lists into a dataframe

r list dataframe lapply purrr

How to add a column to lists within a list without losing their names?

r list lapply

How to write a result of function in the global environment in R

r save global lapply

What is the precise meaning of the quoted square bracket passed as a parameter to apply functions? [duplicate]

r syntax lapply sapply

Can't figure out error in lapply

r apply lapply

How to read in multiple data tables into R using apply function?

r apply lapply read.table

Can lapply pass (to a function) values stored in a vector, successively

r lapply

Use lapply for multiple regression with formula changing, not the dataset

r regression lapply stargazer

Creating a new column which is a vector of other columns

r apply lapply dplyr

R speed up the for loop using apply() or lapply() or etc

r lapply

Using lapply and read.csv on multiple files (in R)

r csv lapply