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New posts in xtable

How do I print superscripts in a table using xtable and sweave?

r latex sweave xtable

Print HTML or Word table in knitr so that whitespaces in strings are respected

Align xtable caption left in knitr

r latex knitr xtable

How to write numbers in scientific notation in R

r xtable

header on each page of big table of xtable?

r latex bigtable sweave xtable

Formatting html table in R

html r xtable

print.xtable only displays, doesn't save to disk

r xtable

In R, how to stop xtable from automatically rounding?

r rounding dataframe xtable

xtable + knitr set column width html

html knitr xtable column-width

Format html-output from R table like excel pivot w/ option "Do not repeat item labels"

r knitr reshape2 xtable gmisc

xtable italics format for a column

r knitr sweave xtable

How to make xtable draw the vertical lines by default in a knitr document

r knitr xtable

Can stargazer follow booktabs style?

r formatting xtable stargazer

xtable thead in html output

html r xtable

How can I omit interactions using stargazer or xtable?

r latex regression knitr xtable

In sweave, xtable, only rotate some column names

r rotation xtable

Sort xtable() output by p-value from glm model summary

r xtable

How to convert Afex or car ANOVA models to lmer? Observed variables

r lme4 anova xtable

Column alignment in xtable output

r latex sweave xtable

adding rows or boldify single row.names with print.xtables – add something in between rows?

r latex xtable