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New posts in lme4

Extracting standard deviation of random effects components using glmer

r lme4

Calculating R squared for Poisson GLMM using MuMIn r.squaredGLMM

r lme4 mixed-models mumin

How to plot predicted values with standard errors for lmer model results?

r lme4 mixed-models

Post-hoc tests linear mixed model lsmeans error

r lme4 lsmeans

lme4: how to specify 2 correlations with random intercept, without adding correlations between random slopes

r lme4

AIC calculation doesn't match in R and SAS for mixed model

r sas lme4 mixed-models nlme

Unable to install arm and lme4 packages from OpenSUSE Leap 15.2

r ggplot2 lme4 opensuse

rank deficiency warning mixed model lmer

r rank lme4 mixed-models

dotplot of random effects

r plot lme4

Error when trying to run lmer() in R

r syntax-error lme4 lmer

Better fits for a linear model

r statistics lme4 nlme

Having issues using the lme4 predict function on my mixed models

r predict lme4

Big data: generalized linear mixed-effects models

Nested random effects and related fixed effects

Evaluating the ikelihood function in linear mixed models (lme4)

Understand warning messages for mixed model in r lme4

r lme4 mixed-models

Get a clean summary of nlme.lme() or lme4.lmer() in RPy

python r rpy2 lme4 nlme

Summary of lme4 model in function (lmerTest)

r summary lme4