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New posts in lme4

Covariance parameter estimates table in R

r covariance lme4

Error message in lme4::glmer: " 'what' must be a character string or a function"

r lme4

predict.glmer on training set differs with and without newdata

r lme4

Reduce glmer model size

r lme4

obscure warning lme4 using lmer in optwrap

r lme4

lme4 calculate confidence intervals of covariances

How to get covariance matrix for random effects (BLUPs/conditional modes) from lme4

r matrix covariance lme4

Different versions of R, lme4 and OS X give different fixed-effects significance results in glmer

r macos lme4 mixed-models

Extract random formula from nlme objects

r lme4 mixed-models nlme

GLMER: Error: (maxstephalfit) PIRLS step-halvings failed to reduce deviance in pwrssUpdate

r glm lme4

lme4 and languageR compatibility error: "input model is not a mer object”

r lme4

GLMER warning: variance-covariance matrix [...] is not positive definite or contains NA values

r lme4 mixed-models

Dot-and-whisker plots of filtered estimates for multiple regression models

r ggplot2 lme4 grepl broom

How to convert Afex or car ANOVA models to lmer? Observed variables

r lme4 anova xtable

lmer error: grouping factor must be < number of observations

r lme4 mixed-models nlme

How to extract fixed effects part of summary from lme4?

r lme4

Collinearity after accounting for random/mixed effects

How to have multiple groups in Python statsmodels linear mixed effects model?

Is there a way of getting "marginal effects" from a `glmer` object

r lme4 marginal-effects

lme4::lmer reports "fixed-effect model matrix is rank deficient", do I need a fix and how to?