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New posts in grepl

Find matching patterns from list of patterns using grepl

regex r string grepl

R - Find all vector elements that contain all strings / patterns - str_detect grep

r stringr grepl and-operator

Spliting the character into parts

r gsub substr grepl

R - gsub only digits

regex r gsub grepl

How to use grepl in every row?

r grepl

In R, use regular expression to match multiple patterns and add new column to list

regex r grepl

How to check in every row in a column if it contains a substring

r grepl

r check if string contains special characters

r string grepl

grep in R using a character vector with multiple patterns with same order as vector

r grepl

Dot-and-whisker plots of filtered estimates for multiple regression models

r ggplot2 lme4 grepl broom

grepl across multiple, specified columns

r grepl

grepl on two vectors element by element

r grepl

Find rows where one column string is in another column using dplyr in R

r regex dplyr grepl

Subsetting on all but empty grep returns empty vector

r vector operators grepl

How to run a function inside data.table?

r data.table grepl

R's grepl in Julia

julia grepl

Extract URLs with regex into a new data frame column

regex r grepl

Duplicating observations of a dataframe, but also replacing specific variable values in R

r gsub reshape2 grepl

How to search for a string in one column in other columns of a data frame

grepl: Search within a string that does not contain a pattern

r grepl