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New posts in substr

Why is substr-lvalue faster than four-arg substr?

perl substr microbenchmark

JS how to do "substr"? [duplicate]

javascript substr

String slicing / string manipulation in PHP

php substr strpos

Substr from end of string php?

php arrays substr

C++ Speeding up multiple substr() or equivalent function calls for parsing of a large string

Why two different methods slice() & substring()?

SQLite trim end characters from string

sql sqlite trim substr

Is there an alternative to using str.substr( ) to extract a substring at a given position?

How do I create an "if" statement to evaluate the first 7 characters in PHP?

php substr

Spliting the character into parts

r gsub substr grepl

Converting a C (\0 terminated) string to a PHP string

php c string substr strstr

In PHP substring return �� these type of character?

javascript php substr charat

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): basic_string::substr

c++ substr

Performance about replace() or substr() in Javascript

Extract a substring from a string, as well as the remainder of the string

r string substr

PHP: Strip Wrapping Paragraph Tags

Is there a function in PHP akin to substr() for integers?

php int substr

perl : how to split?

regex perl split substr

Match two lists, one with partial strings and another with full string, return the whole string if match

regex r string match substr