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New posts in microbenchmark

How to see call tree profiling in JMH?

How can JVM jitter get caused by a for loop with no object allocations?

Why is substr-lvalue faster than four-arg substr?

perl substr microbenchmark

Caliper benchmark fails due to JIT compilation

java microbenchmark caliper

What does `static_cast<volatile void>` mean for the optimizer?

How to write a simple "page fault generator"?

JMH - weird benchmarking results

Explanation for why allocating a second time changes performance

Defining a gradle task to run caliper microbenchmark

Why the 'Measured negative execution time!' error appears? (And how to deal with it?)

r microbenchmark

TLB structure in intel

How Stable Should CPU Frequency Be for Benchmarking?

scala specialization - using object instead of class causes slowdown?

unexpected results: microbenchmark

r microbenchmark

Why the bounds check doesn't get eliminated?

Understanding the output of -XX:+PrintCompilation

java microbenchmark

Why is summing an array of value types slower then summing an array of reference types?