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New posts in scala-2.10

ReactiveMongo : How to write macros handler to Enumeration object?

scala-2.10 reactivemongo

Vector of Any to Shapeless HList

"Error:scalac: Error: object VolatileFloatRef does not have a member create" when using Scala 2.11.8 SDK

reducing an Array of Float using scala.math.max

scala scala-2.10

Implicit parameter and ClassTag

scala scala-2.10

Scala: how to add type-dependent methods in trait?

scala scala-2.10 traits

Getting the parameters of a case class through Reflection

Play framework 2.2.2 evolutions are not getting fired in mysql

Convert Array[Array[Double]] to Array[Double]

scala scala-2.10

How to work with Apache Spark using Intellij Idea?

Option.fold in scala 2.10

scala scala-2.10

Scala long Strings error

scala scala-2.10

Pattern matching on non-literal values

scala scala-2.10

How to convert from scala Iterator[T] to Option[T]

Lazy Singleton in Scala

scala scala-2.10

Using LabelDef in scala macros (2.10)

How save a TypeTag and then use it later to reattach the type to an Any (Scala 2.10)

scala scala-2.10