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New posts in scala-2.10

Is it possible to access the symbol table in a macro?

pattern matching function signatures with ClassTags/TypeTags

scala scala-2.10

Why does Scala have SeqView but not SetView?

scala scala-2.10

How are Scala's local lazy variables implemented?

How to merely stop child actors upon a parent's restart?

Suppressing @unchecked warning for a higher-kinded existential type

Is it possible to integrate Cake-Pattern and Macros?

Can reflection extract initial values used in a trait?

scala reflection scala-2.10

Did Scala case class annotations change in 2.10?

Scala: recognising objects of value classes

What is the easiest way to update an immutable AST?

Changing the compiler's classpath from a Scala macro?

Reifying the function implementation instead of the reference

scala specialization - using object instead of class causes slowdown?

How to build a dynamic sequence in a scala macro?

Scala 2.10, Double.isNaN, and boxing

scala boxing scala-2.10

Is it possible to generate Apply from WeakTypeTag inside a scala macro?

Compare data in two RDD in spark

Finding type parameters via reflection in Scala 2.10?

scala reflection scala-2.10

How to get ClassTag form TypeTag, or both at same time?