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New posts in local-variables

How does `do` ... `end` statement work without a block parameter?

Multiple event listeners with same function storing separate local variables?

Comprehensive overview of strings I should NOT use for local variables?

Local variable deletes memory of another variable when going out of scope [duplicate]

Java static variables and local variables [duplicate]

java 8 local variable in stream.foreach [duplicate]

Why C allows uninitialized local variables?

Local int vs Global int in C

Recursive functions and global vs. local variables

Declaring local variable as final in a loop

java final local-variables

Redefined Global variable

Local variable still exists after function returns

c local-variables

Make A javascript variable only avaliable to functions on the same .js file

Why copy a reference before locking? [duplicate]

Does using local variables (instead of repeated property access) ever hurt performance?

How to convert this Python 2.7 code to Python 3?

How are Scala's local lazy variables implemented?

Create Html local variable programmatically with Angular2

Getting local variables

Viewing an object in Locals or Watch window causes excel to crash