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Comprehensive overview of strings I should NOT use for local variables?

If I understood correctly, it's better not to use an expression for a local variable that's already a global function in Python. So I believe this

list = [1,2,3]

is disrecommended in favor of

mylist = [1,2,3]

because list is already a built-in object in Python and mylist is not. However, I'm not always sure whether I should or should not use some expression (e.g. dir, num or cnt). Is there any comprehensive overview of the strings I'd better avoid for naming local variables?

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RubenGeert Avatar asked Feb 19 '23 13:02


1 Answers

Basically, avoid all of these. All those are inside the __builtin__ module (builtins in Python 3).

Source: The Python Standard Library » Built-in Functions.

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juliomalegria Avatar answered May 01 '23 04:05
