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New posts in scala-2.10

Type equality in the Scala 2.10 Reflection API

scala macros: Add function to class

Why does this simple implicit stringToInt function cause a stack overflow?

scala implicit scala-2.10

Is it possible to get the typeTag of a runtime instance?

Scala unbound placeholder parameter

Why doesn't Some(List(1,2,3)).flatten compile?

scala monads scala-2.10

Polymorphic instantiation in Scala using TypeTag and ClassTag

scala reflection scala-2.10

Why blocking on future considered a bad practice?

What is the reason this type parameter syntax doesn't compile?

macros, splice, and pattern matching

Scala case class copy-method difference between 2.9 and 2.10

scala scala-2.10 case-class

spray-json for normal classes (non case) on a List

scala scala-2.10 spray-json

Finding method arguments (and types) using Scala 2.10 reflection?

scala reflection scala-2.10

Typesafe stack and Scala 2.10 [closed]

Create a custom scala collection where map defaults to returning the custom collection?

How to transform and apply a partial function using Scala Macros?

Strange behavior with reflection in Scala

scala reflection scala-2.10