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New posts in case-class

How to make a List[CaseObj] distinct based on a property of CaseObj?

How to implement a trait with a generic case class that creates a dataset in Scala

Scala case class is not matched in receive method (in akka actors)

How to pattern match abstract parent classes in a inheritance tree

== for case class and "non-case" class in Scala

scala case-class

scala syntax to match on multiple case class types without decomposing the case class [duplicate]

Ignore case class field in ScalaTest matching

Scala : How to use Global Config case class across application

scala case-class

Equals for case class with floating point fields

scala hashcode case-class

Pattern matching in Scala with case classes

Pattern matching on nested types in Scala

Generically rewriting Scala case classes

Scala - use companion object as shorthand argument to function accepting block

scala case-class

Scala case classes and lists

How can I apply a macro annotation to a case class with a context bound?

Circe Couldn't convert raw json to case class Error: could not find Lazy implicit value of type io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder

Instantiate case class with values to be set for its members

scala case-class

Scala: Can you overload a constructor with more than just a one-line constructor?

How to decorate an immutable object graph from scala case classes