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New posts in case-class

Change node in Scala case class tree

Scala: Is there a way for a parent class to access methods defined only by children?

scala case-class self-type

How can I write and read an empty case class with play-json?

Pattern matching without case classes

How to implement instance sharing for case classes

class scala case-class

Scala - case class with 100 fields (StackOverflowError)

scala case-class scala-2.11

Difference between home made extractor and case class extractor

scala case-class extractor

How to define case classes with members with unbound type parameters?

Scala case class copy-method difference between 2.9 and 2.10

scala scala-2.10 case-class

Reuse instances of case classes

Seemingly spurious "does not take arguments" error with case class constructor

scala case-class

Why can I have an impossible case in the scala match?

Asserting on case classes in ScalaTest

scala converting Array[String] to case class

scala case-class

Scala case class copy constructor with dynamic fields

Why does the Scala compiler say that copy is not a member of my case class?

scala copy case-class

Is it possible to use named parameter for Scala case-class matching? [duplicate]

Scala case class copy doesn't always work with `_` existential type

Is it possible to update fields of any case class implementing a common trait

scala case-class shapeless