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New posts in getter

Static or nonstatic getters/setters for static class variable in C++

c++ class static setter getter

Pass BOOL value

ios objective-c boolean getter

Javascript won't let me set property which only has a getter despite deleting getter

javascript getter

Declaring variables in a getter

c# getter

Issues with registering Vuex modules, either namespaces not found or getters.default is empty

vue.js module vuex getter

How to stub get/set of simple types

java mockito setter getter stub

PHP Getters/Setters to Use or Not to Use

Can I use groovy's default getters / setters to help implement a java interface?

Handlebars.js - Each and getter

Calling a setter method via a symbol

How to remove the setter from a JavaScript object?

How do getter methods work on arrays?

java getter

Having a getter return a non-nullable type even though the backing field is nullable

How to avoid getters/setters in classes with many instance variables

retain and autorelease in a getter method

What does it means? [c#]

c# oop public protected getter

vuex getter with argument written in Typescript

Why must accessor functions be const? Where is the vulnerability?

If you are using getters and setters, how should you name the private member variables?

setter getter prefixes

Should I use "get"-prefix in my method name?