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Why must accessor functions be const? Where is the vulnerability?

Professors hammered it into my head when I was in school, associates have jumped down my throat for it on code reviews, and it's in pretty much every C++ textbook out there: "accessor" (aka "selector" or "getter") methods must be marked const. If it doesn't change or mutate the data, then mark it const.

Why? How could the invocation of an accessor modify the private data?

In the following example, I have set up a simple class and one accessor. How can getBrand() be used to modify the private data? In my eyes, it can't; so why do we need to mark it const?

In other words, am I correct in saying that it is impossible for getBrand() to be used, in practice, to mutate a private property?


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class Cheese {
    Cheese(std::string brand):brand_(brand) {}
    std::string getBrand() { return brand_; } // Intentionally not marked const
    std::string brand_;

int main() {
    Cheese cheddar("Cabot clothbound");
    std::cout << "Brand: " << cheddar.getBrand() << std::endl;
    return 0;
like image 681
kmiklas Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 22:12


1 Answers

It's actually very simple: If the method is not const, you would not be able to use it on const objects - but you do want to be able to use it. With your class, you can't implement

void print_brand(const Cheese& cheese);

(unless you const-cast, which you shouldn't do).

Also, if you do make it const, instead of returning a copy of your string - which may or may not get optimized away, you could implement:

const std::string& getBrand() const { return brand_; }

which returns a reference, or perhaps

std::string_view getBrand() const { return brand_; }

that does not "commit" your API to the string class (read about string_view here; it was only officially added to the language in C++17, but is available as std::experimental::string_view with recent compilers).

like image 77
einpoklum Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 20:04
