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New posts in autorelease

What is the scope of (nested) autorelease pools?

Out parameters in ARC Objective-C

How to transfer ownership out of an @autoreleasepool with ARC

double free*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug in ARC

Correct way of using @autoreleasepools?

retain and autorelease in a getter method

@autorelease Pool and Loops (for, while, do) Syntax

objective-c autorelease

NSURLCache crashes with autoreleased objects, but leaks otherwise

Best way to periodically drain the autorelease pool on a long-running background thread?

Can i make an Xcode breakpoint when a certain class gets added to autorelease pool?

Can I early-release an autorelease object?

Objective C: How to release delegates in this situation

VSTS: Release Management Deploying Artifacts to IIS on Premise

Why is there no autorelease pool when I do performSelectorInBackground:?

Autorelease vs. release

How to return CFDataRef without memory leak?[ios]

ios autorelease cfdata

Use autorelease before adding objects to a collection?

When to release the UIImage?

60 hz NSTimer and autoreleased memory

Use autorelease when setting a retain property using dot syntax?