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New posts in ms-release-management

Release management causing build to fail

How to replace a token on deploy through TFS 2015 Release hub on Web Access?

Integrate a TFS Build with Release Management

Using Configuration Variables in VSTS Release Management for ASP.NET 4.5 & 5.0 Projects

Error: The term './RunCommandLine.ps1' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

How do I Copy Task Groups in Visual Studio Online?

Failed to configure Release Management service user. Error: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized


Releases stuck in 'Rejected' state


How do you get powershell script output in the deployment log for a vNext Release Template?

TFSBuild / Release Manager: The directory name is invalid


VSTS: Release Management Deploying Artifacts to IIS on Premise

Tagging a TFS Git repository during a release

Cannot abandon a release on TFS2017 as one or more of the environments are in-progress

VS402881: No artifact version is specified corresponding to artifact source 'MyBuild.' Release Management vNext REST API

Visual Studio Team Services - Release Management cannot locate tests

VSTS Release - Define custom variable in web.config and set at release time

How do we delete a release in TFS 2013 Release Management?

Release Management vNext Component Deployment Bottleneck

Visual Studio Team Services Release/Deploy fails - "No package found with specified pattern"