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New posts in autorelease

get git changes against version number in customised release.yml file

What happens if your mark an autorelease object as autorelease

autorelease vs. release in dealloc

Is return autorelease a bug in objective c?

Autorelease pools in Objective-C - release main AutoreleasePool?

Autoreleasing twice an object

Objective-C initialize (static method) called more that once?

What do you think about this code in Objective-C that iterates through retain count and call release every iteration?

Objective-C: How is ARC Enabled Within GNUStep?

What's the right way to set an NSError outparam from inside an autoreleasepool block?

When is the main Autorelease Pool in Cocoa-touch drained?

when should I wrap my code into autorelease pool

Is it dangerous to set off an autoreleased NSOperationQueue?

What is the correct way to use realm in an autoreleasepool?

ios swift realm autorelease

Does @"some text" give an autoreleased or retain 1 object back?

When does autorelease actually cause a release in Cocoa Touch?

What is the difference between releasing and autoreleasing?

Why does Xcode 4.2 use @autoreleasepool in main.m instead of NSAutoreleasePool?

ARC equivalent of autorelease?

When is an autoreleased object actually released?