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New posts in dealloc

Can I call [self retain] within -dealloc? Or, how do I ensure dealloc happens on the main thread?

Cocos2d touch dispatcher causing object retain

NSTimer with weak self; why is dealloc not called?

does dealloc method being executed normally when quitting the application?

Under Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), where do I put my free() statements?

SKScene Fails to deallocate memory resulting in bounded memory growth

premature dealloc in ARC based app

iphone app with multiple views/subviews: memory is not being deallocated

Reduce the amount of time to release 1 million + objects while popping out VC

iOS - viewController dealloc method not called after popping to previous viewController

ios lifecycle dealloc

NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData does not work in Swift 3 iOS

UIViewController -dealloc method not called

removeObserver:forKeyPath: in dealloc

Qt: What is the correct and safe way to write the destructor of this class?

key value observers were still registered with it when controller is deallocated

Objective-C: Do you have to dealloc property objects before deallocating the parent object?

Very strange behaviour of dealloc - not getting called

why compiler is defering std::list deallocation?