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New posts in dealloc

Objective-C releasing a property declared in a category?

The correct way to declare, alloc, load, and dealloc an NSMutableArray

can we override alloc and dealloc in objective C?

Using the debugger to find all strong references to an object [closed]

Cocoa bindings and KVO, unregister the observer, when the observing object gets `dealloced`

Memory leak with UIWebView

memory uiwebview dealloc

Is it bad form to synchronize NSUserDefaults in -(void)dealloc?

NSInvocation with block arguments

Xcode and ARC debugging issue (skipping dealloc)

Calling a method on self while in dealloc

objective-c dealloc

autorelease vs. release in dealloc

UIViewController & UIview dealloc not getting called

Vector as a class member

c++ vector dealloc aggregation

What explains best the difference between [myVar dealloc] and [myVar release]?

iphone release dealloc

Crashlytics: "Crashed: NSOperationQueue 0x... :: NSOperation 0x..." - EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS

Can garbage Collector deallocate singleton instance? (and why or how to avoid it)

Should -dealloc do anything other than release memory?

objective-c dealloc

Setting delegate to nil in dealloc

Locationservice Indicator stays "on"