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New posts in alloc

Need help understanding a specific alloc/release idiom in iOS/Objective-C programming

Which increases the retain count: alloc or init?

How to allocate array of IntPtr [] in unmanaged memory?

Creating a singleton with allocWithZone:

objective-c singleton alloc

C++ uninitialized array of class instances

can we override alloc and dealloc in objective C?

iOS error: No visible @interface for 'xxxx' declares the selector 'alloc'

ios objective-c alloc

Why does [[NSError alloc] init]; in Xcode throw an error?

ios nserror alloc

Using alloc, init in ARC enabled projects

Why is it not recommended to allocate and initialize with id?

iphone objective-c init alloc

Automatic Reference Counting Issue: Assigning retained object to unsafe_unretained variable; object will be released after assignment

How to release static Objective-C variables

Why are alloc and init called separately in Objective-C?

objective-c cocoa oop init alloc

is it necessary to call pointer = NULL when initializing?

c pointers alloc

Lazy instantiation in Objective-C/ iPhone development

Is a malloc() needed before a realloc()?

what is difference between alloc and allocWithZone:?

What's the advantage of using std::allocator instead of new in C++?

c++ heap-memory alloc