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Pushing UIViewController to NavigationController does not actually push the view

How to populate different Info.plists for different configurations in Xcode

how to unzip epub format file? [closed]

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Development environment for Iphone?

How to find GSM Location area code and Cell Id for iPhone

UIImageView crash when trying to set the frame

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Using GestureRecognizer on an ImageView in a scrollview

iOS Safari refresh button. Can I use it?

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rounding my decimal float to nearest half or whole number?

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iphone : getting error of "_AudioSessionSetProperty" while playing recording

Hide UISearchDisplayController of UITableView initially ( iOS SDK )? [duplicate]

How can access the documents from DropBox in my ios application

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How to resolve one to many relationship in core data in iOS 4.0

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How does iBooks do this?

Facebook login programmatically using OAuth/XAuth(?)

Directory 'X' following -L not found

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Action sheet doesn't display when the MFMailComposeViewController's cancel button is tapped

iphone objective-c ios4

Async NSURLConnection, Concurrent NSOperation, when to use NSRunLoop?

Rename Project in iOS 4

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Analytics library for iOS apps

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