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New posts in avaudioplayer

Audio player duration changes while playing

iphone ios avaudioplayer

In AVAudioPlayer after a pause the song does not continue on Swift

Swift - Stop avaudioplayer

Sound of App running on iPhone too low

iphone : getting error of "_AudioSessionSetProperty" while playing recording

AVAudioPlayer - Displaying a countdown timer on a UILabel

AVAudioPlayer blocking and iOS 5 issues

How do I get my sound to play when a remote notification is received?

OpenAL vs AVAudioPlayer vs other techniques for playing sounds

Delay in playing sounds using AVAudioPlayer

swift: audio slider control

Swift 2: AVAudioPlayers to play multiple sounds at once

swift swift2 avaudioplayer

Looping Audio in Xcode

How to tell that AVAudioPlayer has finished playing

AVPlayer class events

MonoTouch: Playing sound

NSBundle finds mp3 file but not m4a when trying to instantiate AVAudioPlayer

ios avaudioplayer ios6.1

How to Play system beep sound programatically in iPhone?Is it possible to play system sound without adding it to bundle resources

objective-c avaudioplayer

AVAudioPlayer play returns false on hardware

ios avaudioplayer

AVAudioPlayer time display